
We want my son in our wedding?

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My son is 13. He and my fiance are best buds. We would love to have him in the wedding as a Jr Best Man, but we're not sure how that would work since he wont have anyone to walk down the isle with.

My fiance was thinking maybe he could walk on the other side of my fiance's mom.

Any ideas?





  1. That would be fine to do that, or he could just stand at the front with your fiance and not walk down at all.  It doesn't have to be a certain way, do whatever makes sense for you.

  2. I think he should be standing at the front with your fiance. The whole idea of having the groomsmen walk in with the bridal party seems to be a pretty new tradition, but there's no reason you can't make things up yourself.

    Good luck!

  3. well remember one thing

    it is YOUR wedding

    theres no rules that say he can't walk you down the isle

    if you have a niece that is around his age that you are close to you could ask her to be a jr brides maid and walk down the isle with him too!

  4. He's your son. Next to you and your fiance, he's the most important person there. He should walk down the aisle by himself either after the rest of the wedding party or before. I don't think it's at all necessary to have him paired with someone.

  5. Can he give you away?  That would be a very nice thing to do and show what a good relationship he has with his new stepdad.

  6. At 13, he's old enough to be the best man - for real.

    And walking your own mother down the aisle isn't a bad idea.

    Or walking your fiance's mother down the aisle

    How about letting HIM walk you down the aisle along side your Dad?

    And when the minister asks 'who gives this woman' let him say "We do."

  7. There is no requirement for people to walk either up or down the aisle in matched boy-girl pairs like so many salt and pepper sets. People my walk solo, in same s*x pairs, or three abreast. (I suppose that even 4 or 5 abreast would be OK too so long as the aisle was wide enough!)

    It might be charming for the young man to join you and his new step-dad in the recessional to symbolize his membership in the new family which has just come into being.

  8. You could have him walk you down the aisle.  or stand in front with the best man and the groom.

    Also you can look into doing something different at the time of the lighting the unity candle....    

    My friend had a 10 year old daughter - and when they got married her fiance had found a Unity pendant on line,  IT was a pendant that had three ring shapes linked together to form a Heart shape.  He had that on a chain after the unity candle was lit by the bride and groom he had her daughter join them by the candle and there was a poem or prayer that came with the penedant it was aobut uniting as a family. After the pendant was blessed they put it on her.  Maybe there is a version that is a tie tack or lapel pin for boys -- that you could use for your son.

  9. im sure that walking next to your fiances mom would be fine

  10. Well, the best man usually doesn't walk down the aisle, he's with the groom.  So your son could do that.

    OR, he's old enough...why not have him walk YOU down? ;-)

    If you're worried about the return trip... he can walk alone, no biggie.

  11. I would not have him come in with your fiances mom but instead with your mom/his grandma. He could escort your mom to her place right before you come in with your dad and take his place up front.

  12. thats a great idea

    he can walk alone

    how about giving you away?

  13. Let him walk alone....or with the groom♥

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