
We want the message boards back on yahoo finance--and we want it now--what else are you going to remove from y

by  |  earlier

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We want the message board back that was associated with yahoo finance--why are you cutting out services when you are in competition with google? we want the message board back--does this reduction in service mean that we should shop for other on line services? or what can we do to get it back?




  1. I have spread my warnings over some of the message

    boards over the years. I got an alert TWO WEEKS

    before the message boards shutdown.

    I chose not to share it because there were so many

    morons on them just having their fun.

    So at one point I stopped posting on those boards

    just to let the shutdown happen.

    Free speech comes with a heavy price.

    Is freedom really free?

    I informed one site with forums that Yahoo! was shutting

    down its message boards.Within the space of 10 minutes

    on Dec 18th THEY closed shop. Padlock icons on every

    topic.It wouldn't have happened on Yahoo! if people


    I guess it's a morons nature to c**p on a good thing.

  2. I don't know why that would happen...

    Maybe the general public was showing their dis-pleasure with something??  hmmmmmm

    Just sit back like everyone else, and wait for the next "closure".......Lol

  3. I think you need to ask somewhere else. I tend to bet no one from yahoo even reads these questions unless they are reported as being inappropriate.  Try a link some where else. good luck getting your boad back.  If it can't be put back, why not start a group on the topic and you'll be in control of that message board.

    Go to yahoo main page and then click on feedback.  There you can ask your question to yahoo

  4. What is the message board?  Am I missing something?

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