
We want to adopt a child?

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We want to adopt a child as we married since 5 years and issueless. Please tell is there any problem with the adopted child in future. Is anybody face the problem with the child’s attitude.




  1. Do you think if you had a child of your own he/she would be perfect?? Do you think your 2 year old wouldn't have tantrums, your teenager not rebel?? If your only worry is the child not turning out perfect and having an attitude you are not ready to be a parent and arent worthy of a sweet child in your life.

  2. Go to a legitimate adoption agency and consider adopting an older child like 2 or 3 or even 4 years old.  They need a loving family and just tell your concerns to the counselor. Start now the process is very long.

  3. I would like to say I understand your pain and questions. My wife and I tried for 10 years to have our own child. You will hear stupid people say dont go adopt just because you cant have one.. dont listen to them. But you should know that having your own child or adopting a child, they could have problems. I say this because my sister has an adopted girl who is an angel. my other sister has two of her own girls. One of her girls is a monster and it has nothing  to do with the way they are raised or the people there around. All children need lots of love affection, time and understanding. I hope you are ready to give into this and if you are not sure you want to adopt then dont. If its something you feel is What God wants you do then Great.... Good Luck.

  4. Yes, I am an adopted child and I have a MAJOR attitude problem.  

    Pray to your gods that you don't end up with an ungrateful b*****d like me, you'll be sorry.

  5. All children have the potential to be problem children . . . it is about how teach your child, how you cope with challenges and overcome any issues with learning disabilities, attitudes etc . . . You could concieve your own child and that child would not be free of the possibility of issues.

    If you cannot commit to the risks and joys of being a parent, then don't do it!

  6. I'm 40 something and was adopted. I love my parents to death and am glad they did adopt me. When I could not have children on my own I adopted from Foster Care. I adopted a borther and a siter. The girl is great the boy well lets just say he did not like rules at 18 and a stable place so he left. This was hurtfull to us but you know what will hapeen until it happens. Good Luck

  7. Kids in general have attitude problems.  They tend to say "no" and run away from you in parking lots, and giggle while they draw on the walls.  Kids are a pain in the @$$.  And I think I'd have just a tad more of an attitude if I were abandoned.  Yeah, don't adopt.  If you can't handle attitude, get a dog.

  8. Just don't adopt.  Someone else's child is not your solution to solve your pain of infertility.

  9. Getting a child with the "perfect" makeup isn't as easy as going into Lowes or Home Depot and getting that "perfect" piece of lumber to build a deck!

    All children (whether adopted or biological) have the potential to have "attitude" problems along with a variety of other problems.

    Many people seem to think that they can walk into an adoption agency and give the agency a list of the "perfect" child for them... Healthy, caucasian, blonde, blue eyes, high iq birth parents, no mental problems in family, no special needs, etc... like the child is waiting in the file room tucked away just for them.

    Adoption isn't an easy decision for the adoptive parents, nor is it an easy decision for the birth parents. If you're expecting to get a "perfect" child with absolutely NO "attitude" problems or other problems, might I suggest you go out and buy a cabbage patch doll?

    They are custom made exactly how you want them right down to the eye color, hair style, and skin tone, and better yet, you never have to worry about any "special needs" or other "problems" popping up because they are that "perfect" child...

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