
We want to adopt our second baby?

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Does anyone out there know of or recommend a place to look for a birthmother that wants to make an adoption plan for her baby?

We live in Texas and have an adoption agency, PLUS we will pay for ALL the birthparents expenses (rent, food, phone …everything).

There are so many moms that need to (for so many reasons) place their

baby, why is it so hard to bless a family that wants to adopt?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated,






  1. Wow - I don't even know where to start to answer your question which is really not a question.

    First, if I knew of a mother who was leaning toward an "adoption plan" I would hook her up with resources to help her avoid the agony of losing her child.

    Second, a "birth" mother is a woman who has already signed relinquishment papers for her child, so if you are looking for a "birth" mother you are too late.  She gave her baby to someone else.

    Third, is it legal to buy a baby in Texas by giving an EXPECTANT mother a free ride?  Better check with a lawyer.

    Fourth, there are NOT that many EXPECTANT moms who want to dump their babies.  Most of them love and want to keep their babies and figure out a way to do that thereby not  "blessing" a family who thinks they are are more deserving (like you).

    Fifth, thankfully, the "shame" of being a solo mom is dying its last breath.  Even in Texas.

  2. Try posting your profile on  Any birth mothers who visit will be directed to that site and a lot of people get a lot more hits on their profile there than with their own agency.

  3. Make sure you are not being to picky about the child you want. My adoption agency get's frustrated because they have all these couples who want white babies. They will have a mother pregnant with a non white baby and have little to no one interested in the birthmother or baby.

    We live in Texas. We are very young compared to most adoptive couples (25 and 27). We have only been married for 3 years. But because of our openess to adopt a baby who desperately needed a home, we started the adoption process and less than 2 months later, we brought our son home. He is African American and Black. Our adoption agency had several waiting couples but we were the only one who showed interest in his adoption. Very sad and ridiculous. If you are being very picky on the type of child you want, then I really don't feel very sorry for you.

  4. There is an excellent home for unwed mothers in Long Beach, Ca.  It is called "His Nesting Place".  They have a website.

  5. Adoption can take a long time. Perhaps you could start looking at other adoption agencies.  Or even create a website. You might check out forums see what agencies other people have used.

  6. If you already have an agency, then they should connect you with a birth mother.

  7. Actually, michael, as you're starting to figure out, there actually aren't A LOT of babies to adopt.

    It's unethical to offer a trade of things for human life.

    "Adoption plan"? Does that mean you want a mother (there has not been a birth) to give up her baby to you?

    Why not have your own?  If you can't, then maybe it wasn't meant to be?

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