
We want to become foster parents... help us?

by Guest21166  |  earlier

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My fiance and I thinking about becoming foster parents. We recently had the oppurtunity to visit a youth center and realized how many children are in need of loving homes. The problem is that we dont know the first thing about becoming foster parents. Anything you know can help. I would really love to hear from someone who has been through the process in the state of Texas!!!





  1. Contact your local child and family services office. They will be able to tell you the steps to take regarding homestudy, training etc.. for your state to become foster parents.

  2. Simply go to the Texas Department of Family and Protective website and select Foster Care.  You will find out about requirements, informational sessions (where you can meet other foster parents and foster kiddos), and expectations!   Good luck!

  3. Good for you! But i know nothing about  it, sorry! You could always try asking Oprah! Actually go back to the youth center and ask someone.

  4. We just became licensed in TX!  You need to take PRIDE training classes, CPR, first aid, and other classes.  You will also need an FBI background check and a home study.  It takes serious time and effort, but it is completely worth it.  Remember to set your boundaries.  If you don't think you can handle a type of child or want to place a limit on how many children you can have, please feel free to do so!  It's in everyone's best interest that you are honest as to the number and what kind of children you will take.  It's a roller coaster ride, but totally worth it.  I wish you the best!

  5. Call ur state's adoption agency and they will get u help. It is a very long process. Good luck!!! Thanks for caring about others. People that actually care about unwanted children are rare. So thanks again.

  6. I am a foster/adopt worker in Texas, I can help you out depending on where you live or at least get you pointed in the right direction.  Email me at

    You'll need to fill out an application and start PRIDE classes.

  7. We aren't in the state of Texas...but I would assume it would be the same there as in New York State.  Contact your local child agency within your county.  They should be able to send you in the direction of Foster Parent classes and eventually you will be able to become a foster home to children in need.

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