
We want to make nail polish so give us formula of that product.?

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We want to make nail polish so give us formula of that product.?




  1. Pretty much impossible unless you're a chemist and have access to buy the chemicals needed.  Also, many many pigments are well...dangerous, and can only be bought with licenses.  Good luck, wish I could help you....but I think you'd be better off going to the local mall and just buying a bottle...or two.

  2. life is not that easy pal ..

  3. Urine and Goats milk. Makes a great nail polish, long lasting. Invent your own formula thief!

  4. You must have read the answers above. Why do you want to venture into making a product the technical know-how of which you don't have? And you don't appear to be willing to hire appropriate experts in the field.

    Will it be feasible for you commercially? Will you stand your competition? What quality of product will you be making?

    Make a business like approach to serve you and your stakeholders well.

  5. Um, no - do your own research.  Try starting by looking at the ingredients listed on the bottle.

  6. There are some serious chemicals in nailpolish

    I think that unless you have a chemistry background and laboratory facilities, you would be better off working with a private label laboratory.  They will produce whatever product you want and put your label on it.   Here are a couple, but you can Google "Private Label Laboratories" and get approximately 7 million of them.

    Good Luck...

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