
We want to purchase a 42" flat panel, now or later?

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Will the cost of flat panel TV's decrease significantly after the holidays?

We want to buy a new 42" LCD or similar. Possible cost saving reasons to wait......

-Economic down turn continues and retailers offer deeper discounts

-After holiday clearance events

-Advancements in technology offering cheaper production techniques

-An increase in purchasing thus increased production leading to lower per unit price, due to the digital cable broadcast switch.




  1. Prices of electronics are constantly dropping, so, likely they will be lower in six months than today. But the same will be true six months from now.

    Holidays are actually a good time to buy, as competition among retailers for your purchase is greatest. Same reason turkeys are actually cheapest at Thanksgiving time.

  2. Logic spells truth but companies are cheap.  Maybe you can get one as an xmas gift that way you don't have to buy it.   If you don't want to wait for a drastic price drop purchase a flat panel when it goes on sale around the holidays.  

  3. It should.

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