
We were born on this planet as free pple we shouldn't need a passport to go wer ever we want we shouldnt have?

by  |  earlier

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to follow any countries rules they dont own the world, i should be able to do wat i want. you agree? or not?




  1. Sadly we have to follow some rules in our world otherwise no one would be able to live and work anywhere. these rules or laws are designed to protect us and our fellows from out own greed and selfishness. I do not know how old you are and suspect that you have come up against one or more of those uncomfortable rules you and lets face it I don't like. the only consolation is that until we were foolish enough to subordinate our legal system to the EC these rules were subject ot debate in parliament.  

  2. Nope.  Private ownership, public ownership.

    I'm not ready to give that up.

    I may not trust you in my country.

    Why should any group of people have to have someone in their midst that just wants to come and be there?

    You don't own the world. Neither do they, but they do have territory and nearly every animal understands that.

    So the idea of "we're free people" is a wonderful ideal, but has little to do with either reality, or nature.

  3. we live in a controlled world get used to it because it's not going to change.

    freedom nowadays=being able to believe in what you believe in not do what you want.

  4. No, I do not agree, you are completly screwed up.

  5. I agree

    but it strictly for terrorist reasons

    and security and proctection of the residents

  6. Why not allow the rest of the world to immigrate to the US?  The resulting overpopulation would be a small price to pay, right?

    There is such a thing as self interest.  Self preservation is one of the most basic instincts.  It can apply to a group; i.e. citizens of nation, as well as to individuals.

  7. Tell that to the people running the countries that won't let you in.

  8. I agree, absolutely.  Passports are a form of control and surveillance, under the pretext of 'keeping out terrorists'.  Fear works very well.

  9. Usually the only people that whine about that are people from countries that don't offer them much.  Instead of trying to build up their country, they want to go to better countries with their no-rules attitude and s***w those countries up too.  Sort of like Gypsies.

    The only other people that whine about that are rock stars who have more fame and money than God and can pay big bucks to protect themselves and their possessions.

  10. thats right, we should just let all kinds of criminals and terrorists go wherever they want to unchecked.  

  11. Spoken like a true liberal :)


  12. a secret consortium owns this earth make no mistake. there are powers within powers and powers outside of powers. aliens have

    been here for years and have gained high office; take a closer look

    at gordon brown, you dont think hes from earth do you and take a close look at george bush, his eyes are the shiftiest iv ever seen.

    now that iv let the cat out of the bag ill be on their hit list

  13. the demons of human nature forbid us to do so... im not into God by the way, nothing against god that is (disclaimer over).............its just the way it is.

  14. This is our country not the world is our country.......

  15. terrorists will be running and blowing up everthing

  16. No, imagine the state of the world if people were allowed to do as they d**n well pleased!!! and all the countries with good wellfare policies would be over run and the others would be empty!!!!! think before you speak!!!!!!!!!!

  17. What planet were you born on? There is no guarantee of freedom anywhere. It must be constantly fought for. Who does own all those other countries if not the people who live there? What a silly premise.

  18. until we can all live as one big happy family, then no i don't agree.

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