
We were charged for an Operating Room for my baby's circumcision?

by  |  earlier

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We were charged $3000 for an operating room for a circumcision. We had been told previously that the charge would only be $150, which was true. . .for the doctor. Then we got a bill from the hospital for an operating room. I've called the hospital 3 times asking about the OR and have not gotten an answer yet. Supervisors won't return our calls. In fact, those that I do speak to can't believe we were charged for an OR. Is there anything we can do?




  1. this is a procedure usually done in the's minor. did they actually use an OR? we only had to pay about $150 for this procedure. go down in person to the'll get farther that way.  

  2. i hate this! hospitals have so many hidden charges. there is sadly nothing you can do, my father is a lawyer and could not get us out of a $5000 bill when we were told it would be $450. the only thing to do is make a payment plan with the lowest payments possible. im sorry this happened to you.

  3. I find this hard to believe.  first of all call your insurance company and complain.  Second of all call the state insurance board which regulates hospitals and make a complaint.  They will tell you what to do.  Third,  ASK FOR AN ITEMIZED BILL FOR ALL THE CHARGES FOR THE HOSPITAL STAY.  Hospitals rarely do this.  I do this when i have a problem with them, they do not like to make one up.  Even if you have to go to the hospital in person.  Request a list of customary charges for circumcisions which they perform.  Also ask them which operating room was used. The more questions you ask for detail the more nervous they will get.    WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT PAY THAT BILL. 150 dollars sounds about right.  3000 dollars is ridiculous.

    contact me at this group if you need more help

    or email me privately

  4. you need to talk to your insurance company.

    if it wasnt a covered procedure then looksl ike youll have to pay.

    they did my sons in the nursery. no operating room needed. its a minor procedure.

    and we didnt pay anything

  5. Speak with someone in billing thet should be able to help you.

  6. i would go down to the hospital in person with the bill in hand and get it straitened out.  

  7. Keep calling! People there can't believe you were charged for it, it's probably wrong. And it just needs to be straighted out. I would keep calling! Someone will talk to you sooner or later.  

  8. ORs will have a cost per hour and sometimes it is that much.

  9. Unfortunately that is how the hospital I used charges too. You have to pay for the doctor AND the space he uses.  I'm sorry they were not up front with you.  I would not call but actually show up at the hospital and ask to speak with someone in billing.  I know this is hard since you have a newborn but speaking with someone in person (and as rationally as possible) is the best way to get what you want.  

  10. That seems very underhanded of the hospital to do that.  There is no way that an OR was necessary for that type of procedure.  I would continue calling, even several times a day until you get to speak to someone who can give you a straight answer.  And if no one will, one thing that usually gets them to listen very quickly and carefully is if you threaten media exposure over what they've done.

  11. To bad, so sad.

    It cost your son a lot more!

    20,000 of the most exquisite nerve endings a male has were chopped off and thrown in the garbage or even more likely sold to a cosmetic company to make high profit skin creams.

    It just cost you a few bucks.

    I would gladly pay $3000 or more to get mine back.

  12. Look into what kind of hospital it is. The one in our town is a non-profit, so, legally, they can't do anything if you don't pay. Otherwise, keep calling!

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