
We were just told that canned food and milk can harm the intestines of our persian kitten . Is that true ?

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We just got a 12 week old kitten yesterday and the lady sai NOO canned food or milk ... it can mess with thier intestines..... Was just wondering if that was ture.. or someone being over protected..




  1. The part about the milk is true. When it comes to canned food, that is what your kitten's diet should mostly be made up of. Dry food is hard for cats to eat since they do not have flat teeth. Dry food also has way to many carbohydrates which can cause obesity in cats.

    Cats are really never fully hydrated; canned food is water based so eating canned food will keep your kitten better hydrated. Hope this helps. Good luck with your need kitten!

  2. Totally untrue.  The best thing you can feed your new kitten is a high-quality canned food free of by-products (scrap "parts" deemed unfit for human consumption) and any grains.  The dry food (especially the ones from the grocery store that are high in corn) is a leading cause of feline diabetes and obesity, and actually contributes to tooth issues as it sticks to the teeth and causes tartar to form.  The high-meat, moist canned diet is what nature intended for cats to eat, not a grain based one.  

  3. Dry food from the grocery store is c**p. Kittens need high quality canned food. Milk is bad though

  4. Canned food is alright, but if the kitten has teeth, which I'm sure she does, she can eat dry food. Dry food has more nutrients than canned food. Canned food is mostly water. If you want to feed her canned food there is nothing wrong with that, but alot of times once you start that it's hard to get them off of it. Same goes for changing the flavor of foods. It makes for finicky eaters in some pets as they get older. As for the milk, yeah that's a bad idea. Cats can't digest milk and because of that it ends up giving them some really bad diarrhea.

  5. not true. give it catsip milk. its disigned for kittens and they love it. theres a kitten food out by 9lives its a kitten formula to make them strong and healthy. its all cheap and it makes them strong and healthy. giant eagle has it all. good luck  

  6. Yes. In general milk is not good for adult cats or cats that have been weened from their mothers. Their bodies are growing and can not depend on milk any longer therefore they are needing more nutritious food's such as cat food and meats. Giving a cat to much milk can cause them to have  diarrhea and possible sickness or damage to them later. It is not advised, although it is ok if you give them limited amounts OCCASIONALLY and not allot at that.

    Check your local store and see what food products they have available for kittens. It will say it big on the bag, KITTEN or something like that, but still make sure you look for small font warning or information, and make sure you look at the ingrediants and nutrition information on the bag.

    Good luck.

  7. Milk can cause digestive upsets. Given as a treat in small amounts it is usually O.K. Canned food should be the staple of a cat's diet. It provides the meat protein, fat, and moisture that cats need. Dry food is dehydrated, which can lead to urinary tract and kidney illness, and is usually too high in grains and carrbs, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health problems. Did you obtain the kitten from a licensed breeder? I would hope that a breeder would have

    more knowledge of cat health and nutrition.

    Tarah the vet tech's answer was the opposite of what it should have been, except for the possibility of digestive upset from milk. Feeding many foods and flavors keeps a cat from becoming "finicky", and canned food fulfills a cat's dietary needs without all the unnecessary grains and carbs contained in dry food.

  8. Every kitten needs canned wet food. But the milk party is true, cats are lactose intolerant and can only have there moms milk where there young.  Feed it canned food!

  9. A twelve week old kitten will do fine on solid food. Sometimes canned food can be too wet, and if their intestines are not used to handling it, this can cause diarrhea. Regular milk is not good for cats because of the lactose, although pet stores sell "cat milk", including a formula for older cats. This can be given as a treat with no worries. Wet food can also build up on the cat's teeth, resulting in more often teeth cleanings or even cavities. Also, the recent pet food poisonings involved canned and pouched pet foods. Dry foods were not affected, and since then many pet owners are being more careful with wet foods. If your breeder is recommending dry food, that's what I would feed. No offense, but she has more experience :O) If you are worried about her not being able to eat the hard food, although this will not likely be the case, soak it in water or some of the cat milk. My fiance's mom has cats, and one of her cats is really old and has lost all of her teeth. When she consulted the vet, the vet said not to feed her canned food. Apparently cat's jaw bones are so strong that they can even eat dry food with no teeth!

    I would recommend Nutro Ultra by the way. I feed it to my dogs and I know they make cat food as well. Another great alternative is Royal Canin. They have a formula especially for Persians.

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