
We were target practising in the back yard and accidentally shot the neighbor...should I send a card?

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We only "winged" him...and with enough physical therapy he will walk again...I kinda feel bad...but I don't want to make a big deal out of this...what would you do?




  1. I would call a lawyer.  

  2. How about a nice casserole?

  3. We do it all the time on my estate at Smythe Hall, the damned peasants are always complaining about something, my man Cuthbertson has orders to shoot on sight but the silly old fool is a rotten shot and just generally wings them.

  4. Why aren't you in jail? Did you post bond already? If this is true (and I think it's not), it is a big deal.


  5. I think you should contact a lawyer too. You may be liable for medical bills.

  6. I would seek legal assistance, because, baby, you're probably going to end up in court....if this is actually a real question at all.

  7. say sumfin lik sori wasnt aim properli was aimin at the heart lol

  8. Contact a lawyer.. Depending on if your in city limits or not there  are laws about discharging firearms in a residential area.  You will end up in court and might find out your liable for medical bills (all of them) including his PT .  

    Also you could be facing jail time. if he was on your property and you were in danger then you can do self -defence , if he was on his property and not near you in away, your on your way to court.

    get a lawyer  

  9. He should be thanking you for getting him out of work for a while, now he can collect social security disability and take it easy.  

  10. "and with enough physical therapy he will walk again..."

    And you think a card will fix this?

    First, unless you have many acres of land you shouldn't be shooting anything on your property.

    If he was on his land and you shot him...I smell a lawsuit.

    If he was on your land, by your invitation and you shot him...I smell a lawsuit.

    I'd get a lawyer.

  11. s***w it... he shouldn't have been in your way in the first place...  

  12. Bake him a cake and write something sincere on it. Hope your doing better...get well soon....sorry to have mistaken you for a dear.....

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