
We would like to find out if ther is away to make energy with heat.?

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is ther some kind of panel that you could put near a woodstove

and it makes energy




  1. Heat is a form of energy.  You could turn it into kinetic energy by using the heat to make a turbine engine.

    Hey, did anyone hear that China is making a new coal power generator every other day?  They have more power stations than in all of North America.  We're reducing energy and they're increasing.  Are we getting left behind?

  2. If you would like to generate electricity from heat in a simple way that has no moving parts, this usually involves thermocouples.

    Thermocouples take advantage of an electrical effect that occurs at junctions between different metals. For example, take two iron wires and one copper wire. Twist one end of the copper wire and one end of one of the iron wires together. Do the same with the other end of the copper wire and the other iron wire. If you heat one of the twisted junctions (perhaps with a match) and attach the two free ends to a volt meter, you will be able to measure a voltage. Similarly, if you hook the two iron wires to a battery, one junction will get hot and the other will get cold.

    You can find out more about it here:

  3. Heat is energy, what kind of energy do you mean?

  4. You can place a small distilling unit on the stove and extract ethanol to use in your vehicle.

    A stove top steam turbine that produces electricity might make a  good invention for a survivalist home.

  5. "Who fell"... I won´t fall for your talk.

    Get your fact straight: China builds a coal power plant per week, not per day and they need to power 1.3 billion people, not 0.3

    The heat you have in your stove IS energy.

    Heat energy can be converted to:

    - mechanical power through thermodynamic devices (motors, turbines, etc.)

    - electricity through mechanical power and a generator

    - chemical potential energy

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