
Wealth, power and prestige v.s. Inquiry, knowledge and truth: On which side are you?

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  1. Inquiry Knnowledge and truth, but I hope to get to the other side using those raw materials!

  2. Power and prestige are all very well and good but if you lack the knowledge and the strength of inquiry you can never hope to maintain or even gain power and without the latter the former will come to nought.

  3. Wealth and Power, I don't want.

    I will add this Prestige, not on social area but on people's estimation to the second group.  So I am for Inquiry, Knowledge, Truth and Prestige in people's heart.

  4. no matter what side are will not be satisfied anyway.

  5. none ~ what about having all of them !? still what do you have though?

  6. Both

  7. Inquiry, knowledge and truth but I feel like I'm being drawn to wealth, power and prestige (mostly power)

    sorry I'm in between both

  8. Both sides. lol.

  9. With Satsang(assocition with the Truth) we have


  10. The pursuit of monetary wealth, power within the world and prestige  generally go hand in hand with corruption, they are feeding an outward desire which in turn strengthens the ego.  There really is nothing wrong with this if that is the path you want to pursue in life.

    Inner inquiry, inner knowledge and truth both nourish and awaken the soul.  This path is more difficult to tread, so fewer  people choose it, because at times it is hard and very painful.  This is 'my' side, because no matter what the truth reveals, I would rather know that and live that, than a life of falsity.

    If you pursue inquiry, knowledge and truth, then all you need comes to you anyway, just not in any excessive amount, everything gains a balance.

  11. Inquiry, knowledge and "Truth" always.

    Thanks for asking!   Have a  wonderful weekend!

  12. Man what a question!! I would hate to be around someone who had wealth, power and prestige who didn't seek inquiry, knowledge and truth. In fact, I don't believe a person could have the former very long without the latter.

  13. I'd have them all if I could. If not it would be Inquiry, knowledge and truth. Truth being the most important. Although with Inquiry, knowledge and truth one can obtain wealth, power and prestige.

  14. with so much misinformation about, I will settle for 'Truth'  

    Truth can only be found through knowledge and inquiry.

  15. You just made me think of a memory.  Some guy came

    up to me on the street and interrrupted a conversation

    I was having with a friend, and asked me, "whose side

    are you on?"  

    Being on the side of truth can be dangerous to ones

    health I have found out.  But do you want to live forever?

    I actually had a guy of wealth & power

    hire a professional fighter

    to beat me up.  Can I prove it? No.  But I've been around.

  16. Inquiry, knowledge and truth are water to the desert, from a spring that never runs dry, and which no one is excluded from.

    Wealth can't buy a better world, power can't force a better world,  and prestige really isn't worth anything as reputations ruin so easily.

    But a better world is possible by using your inventive mind (which is the use of  the scientific method plus creative problem-solving).

  17. Knowledge is power and if you choose, can bring upon the rest.

  18. Inquiry will eventually lead to Truth by way of the acquisition of Knowledge.  Prestige is empty without truth, power is meaningless without knowledge, and wealth is fleeting without the discipline of inquiry.  It all begins with the simplest of doubts and the first move to overcome ignorance.  You want the great things in life?  Look to the simple things. I have no need of power or wealth, and the only prestige worth seeking is to be accounted wise.  I shall inquire after Truth, that I may have that.

  19. Defo Inquiry, Knowledge and Truth

  20. I am greedy I want it all!

  21. Inquiry,knowledge and truth.Once you have tasted these ,the desire for power, prestige and wealth withers away on it's own without any conscious effort from you.

  22. Gosh how man fears the words honour, HONOUR, morality, virtue, and feigns a disdain for economic security to veil his lack of the virtues and any semblance of honour..

    Man becomes nobler amidst the inner sanctum of The Holy, he becomes as dog when afflicted hog cross contamination. Immorality decreases if not entirely destroys intelligence....

    There are no sides TP, rather virtue, is prestige, wisdom is honour, love wealth, and wealth economic security ... they are as one and ne'er shall be divided, for the purpose of admittance of the less than virtuous or honour worthy to the inner sanctum of the good and Godly by the ardently covetous.

  23. In my view, inquiry brings to knowledge and truth.  These equal power.  Everything else is arrogant bullying.

    The most powerful people I've known hardly had a dime to their name.

  24. What makes you think these are in opposition? Knowledge is power, Truth is wealth, Inquiry is prestige.

  25. Inquiry, knowledge and truth.

  26. knowledge cause with knowledge i can get wat i want and wat i need in ma life

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