
Weaning Foals?

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Okay, I was wondering when is the average to wean a foal? I know it differs for each horse (some are bigger and can be taken earlier and sometimes the mares get sick and it is neccesary to take them a little soon) but on average what month is it?

I thought it was anywhere from 3 - 6 months? Are Miniature Horses weaned a little sooner (I am more familar with Mini foals than average horse sized foals) Thanks :)

(Oh and no worries I don't worry I didn't take any foals away fom there mothers ^^ lol for those of you who migh be nearly haveing a heart attack right know, thinking I had taken a foal away from its dam xD)




  1. The best time to wean a foal is around 4 to 5 mounts old. mini's are the same way i have had a heard of mini's before i sold them all bt it was around 4 to 5 months oold when they started to try to eat grass and hay 3months old when the mom tries to give the baby a idea that he can eat grass and hay

  2. As early as 3 months old. I wean my foals later, around 5 to 6 months old. Some of my mares will wean them by themselves. This is usually aided by the foal having older siblings that are part of the brood mare band. These fillies all stay close to the mother and eventually take over looking after the foal. I have found that these sisters later make better mothers than their's was. This is a good process when I can do it this way. It helps the foal adjust. I have bought weanlings at 3 months old, but I think that is too soon.

  3. I don't wean mine until 8 or 9 months. By then the foals are quite independent and are happy to leave, and the dams are happy to let them go. I've never had any problems from leaving them until the winter, and I don't push them to separate before they're ready.

  4. You are correct! I plan on weaning my colt if all goes as planned at 5 months.

  5. 137 days minimum for most horses, im not exactly sure for minis

  6. You heard right, anywhere from 3-6 months.  I think that 3 months is a bit early, but it can be done.  Personally, I like to wean them anywhere from late 4 months old to 5 months.  Usually five.  I weaned my first around 4 months, but she was born in July, wasn't contending with cold winters, and the mother needed to stop nursing her and gain some weight as winter approached.

  7. I usually let my mares wean their foals off themselves unless they are lacking in nutritional care. It's natural and will be less stress on the both of them to let nature take it's course. But on average most breeders try for 4-6 months.

    When my mares kick their foals off the t*t I will go and round them up and take them to the other side of our ranch. This way they won't tear themselves up trying to get back at each other. Usually they only cry for each other for a couple days and then they settle down and get back to being a lazy little horse.

  8. 6 months old is the average age. I used to board at a place in Ohio and this one owner had a mare and two year old, who still nursed!!!! You're right, every baby is different. Some develop quicker and are independent earlier.
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