
Weaning advice please?

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My 4 month old 17lb baby is showing the signs of being ready for weaning i have started giving him a few spoonfuls of baby rice in the morning and his bottle,But i am really confused of portion sizes how much should i be giving him i have researched but i dont now how much do i give and how often?




  1. im a mum of 5.if hes ready to have baby rice give him it,at first just a teaspoonful or 2 but he might take more,give him what he will take,he will refuse it when hes done,you will start to know the amounts he will take.

  2. Hi dont listen to the other 2 questions babies can be weaned from 3 months old and the earlier you start them on solids the better, I would just go by what you think as on the packets it doesnt tell you just tells you to add a little more when you think your baby needs more, I would start of giving him what you think he can eat. and if he seems he getting full then stop etc, and follow on with his bottle, I dont think there is a right way or wrong way to wean a baby but you can wean a baby now and you are not doing anything wrong.  

  3. Ignore the first answer. Every baby is different and babies usually start at 6 months (not 12 months like he said) but like I said they're all different, my baby also started at 4 months he was making chewing motions and staring at us when we ate :) so I gave him Baby porridge and baby rice like you, I gave it him for tea and he seemed to really enjoy it. If you look on the back of the package it should give you an idea of how many spoonfulls etc. But if after the recommended amount is given and he still looks hungry give him some more. I also feed my little one with hungry baby milk too and occasionally sugar free rusks.

    You are doing a brilliant job, you know your baby better than anyone so keep it up :) good luck hun x

  4. he should be fed at breakfast, lunch and diner. let him decide the quantity. you can get tips on weaning at

  5. He is ready do not listen to others you do what you think is right. After all he is your baby and we don't know him.Try starting just with breakie and dinner. give him cereal and rusks mixed with milk.


  6. He's four months old! He doesn't need to weane!! He's supposed to be on breastmilk or formula until he's 12 months old. That doesn't mean he can't have rice and stuff now but he can't live on rice alone!!

  7. The ideal is to wean your baby around 6 months. This is because up until this age most babies get all the nutrients they need from milk. Be led by your own baby's needs. Some babies are ready to be weaned before 6 months. Look for signs that your baby may be ready to start solids, and if you think they are, talk to your health visitor, GP, community nutritionist/dietician.

    Some of the signs that your baby is ready for solids are when they:

    Can sit up assisted

    Hold their head well

    Hold objects and put them in their mouth

    Picks up food and puts it in their mouth

    Chew on hands, toys and other objects

    Show an interest in food

    Have been drinking the same amount of milk for a while and even if you increase milk feeds over a few days your baby is waking in the night or after naps, hungry or is still hungry after feeds.
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