
Weaning at 4 months or earlier?

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I have a 4 year old and a 4 month old. When my son was a baby the norm was to wean at 4 months but now it's 6 months. My daughter is nowhere near ready to be weaned yet and I'm more than happy to wait the extra 2 months. My question is do you tend to do your own thing and wean when you think your baby is ready or do you follow the health guidelines to the letter? I have a lot of friends who are 2nd time mums and have the approach that if it was good enough to wean at 4 months for their 1st baby, it's good enough for their second.




  1. The health guidelines are actually to nurse for at least a year (6 months exclusively - ie at 6 months is when to start adding solids). And from there as long as mutually desired.

    I tend to follow my baby's cues. We didn't really do solids until after 6 months because she wasn't developmentally ready for them (wasn't sitting up, tongue thrust issue, etc). I also think that the recommendations for how long to nurse don't emphasize the fact that they are MINIMUM suggestions, not "cut offs".

    If you and your baby are not ready to wean, there is absolutely no reason why you would have to wean, just because of what you think is the "norm".  

    I'm way outside it now myself, I'm nursing a 2 year old.

  2. I vote for weaning when the baby is ready. I nursed my oldest for 2 years. It is recommended to nurse for at least a year. There shouldn't be a time limit - take it one day at a time. Weaning should be when baby and mama are both ready for it.

    ETA: I see you clarified "onto solids". 4-6 months is a good timeframe to start trying solids. If your baby isn't ready there's no harm in waiting. It's best to get baby started on solids before a year old. After that it is really difficult to have them learn how to chew and mush food with their mouth, as they are used to just sucking.

    It depends when the baby is ready. Try it, and if it's a no-go, wait a few weeks and try again. Don't worry. It'll all come easily in time.

  3. There is no time to wean a baby. I know many mothers who happily breastfeed til a year and beyond. Only you can decide when it is best for you and your family. Breastfeeding is better for your baby so if you are happy to continue doing it, by all means, continue!

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