
Weaning baby puppies?

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We have 5 week old eskie/spitz mix puppies and we began weaning them a week ago. And this week I would like to get them completely off their mother. As of right now I am using the second step puppy formula mixed in with a high quality puppy chow, so the food is always mushy. I am just not too sure on what the next step is, their teeth are not strong enough yet to go without the second step formula, which spoils after 2 hours of being made. So for the past 4 days or so we have just been putting the mother back with them at night when we go to sleep. How often do you usually get up with puppies this age? Am I taking the wrong approach to weaning them? Is there more I should be doing to make sure they have a happy healthy transition? What about the mother and her milk? I am very unsure of what to do next, so even if I missed a question please feel free to give me any extra info you may have on this topic.




  1. At 5 weeks they are too young to be totally withough their mothers milk.  There is nothing wrong with starting them on puppyfood, but they shouldn't be totally weaned off her till they are around 7 weeks old.  I usually start to feed my babies canned puppy food mixed with dry kibble and water at about 3 weeks old.  At first it is mostly canned food and water - very soupy.  Then I gradually add dry food and decrease the amount of water till they are around 6 weeks old.  I feed them 3x's a day.  When they are around 5 weeks old I start to keep mom away from them for several hours at a time, then work up to maybe half the day, then a full day, then eventually when they are about 7 weeks, I take her away totally.  And by then, they are eating the puppyfood very well.  By the time they are 8 weeks old they have dry kibble available 24/7 and I still feed them canned mixed with dry 2x's a day.  It is a lot of work and time, but it is the best way I have found.  The puppies are very messy at this age but it is part of taking on the responsibility of deciding to have a litter of pups.  The pups don't look starved and stay very healthy and fat.  And they are happier and more adjusted that way.  And it is easier on mom than to just suddenly take her away.  That can be very uncomfortable for her.  It hurts to be very engorged with milk and no way to relieve it.    

  2. Puppies shouldn't be weaned until 7 weeks old, and shouldn't leave home until 8 weeks; until then, they need to spend time with their mother. It's critical to their development, as spending time with their mother and siblings at this age teaches them how to 'behave' like dogs.

    Try taking just some dry puppy food, and soaking it in water. Add a little yogurt to the mix, and feed it to the puppies 2-3 times a day. The beauty of this mix is that you can soak the puppy food anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour to achieve the desired 'mushy' level. Slowly decrease the soaking time of the food as the babies develop their little teeth and can eat harder foods, while slowly increasing the number of feedings/the amount fed per day. You can decrease the time they're allowed to nurse, but Mama will let them know when enough is enough.

    Good luck!

  3. Why not let the mother wean them all by herself?  She will know when to do it.  All you have to do is to offer the mushy food.  Don't rush it.  Puppies need to stay with their mother and siblings until they are 8 weeks old, regardless of when they were weaned.

  4. Who do you think is the better judge of when to wean you or the mother.  Animals have been weaning their young on their own without human interference for centuries. Let the mother do it and stop meddling in it.  Puppies aren't supposed to be weaned until 6 weeks anyway..

  5. Whats your hurry?

    Pups should not be completely weaned off mom until almost 7 weeks old.

    At 5 weeks old you should be soaking their puppy kibble in warm water to make it very soft 4 times a day and allow mom to nurse when ever she wants to.  The second step formula is not necessary now. They can get their milk from mom.  You should have water available to them 24/7 so they can get used to drinking it.  I found big drip bottles like the ones used for rabbits the best thing for pups this young. Several of them.

    By 6 weeks old they can get soaked kibble with warm water and have plenty of water too.  Feed them 4 times a day. If mom still wants to nurse at night fine if not then they should be fine by them selves. You shouldn't be force mom to nurse at this time.

    By 7 weeks old they need just the soaked kibble and plenty of water.  Mom should have stopped nursing by now.  this will help them get ready to be placed into their new homes by 8 weeks old.

    All you really need to do is to make sure their eating well and that each pup is getting enough to eat.  Also have them on a worming/vaccination schedule before you place them with their new owners.

    Mom milk will take some time to dry up once the pups stop nursing.  Just  watch her and check to make sure she doesn't get too full and develop mastitis.

    Once the pups are fully weaned then sit back and be proud of a job well done.

    ADD:  Mom should not be in with the pups when your feeding them anyway.  She should be out of the pen and eating her own food.  Only allow mom back in when the pups are done!  

    Like I said the pup dont need the puppy formula now in the kibble just warm water.
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