
Weaning boer goats and breeding dams?

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i have several boer goats that have kids from 3 to 5 months old. i want to wean them and get dams breed back asap . so they will kid before cold wi. weather sets in. my main reason for the rush is that i have a boer buck that i have access to right now and would like to get some kids out of him. my main buck for breeding after this will be a nuibian pure breed buck. i also have 2 nuibian does that i would like to breed to the boer but they are more seasonal than boers. is there a way to get them to0 cycle.




  1. I've been breeding goats since 1999.  I have boer cross does.

    I run my bucks in with my does 24/7.  The does have usually weaned their kids themselves by 4 months.  

    You are not likely to get your Nubians to breed right now.  They usually come into season only in the fall/early winter.  

    Simply exposing your does to the buck usually brings them into heat, and they will breed.

    I stopped force weaning of my goats kids.  I found I had too much death, due to coccidia, when I force weaned, and yet suffered zero death due to coddicia, if I just allowed the dams to wean the kids themselves.

    If your nubians have not had kids yet this year, they MIGHT cycle into heat, but it's much more likely for the dairy does to come into season in the fall.

    By the way, I'm currious about your market for the boer kids?  I almost never have a kid make it to four months old on my farm, before it's sold for slaughter.  

    All of my kids that were born in January (the males) have already been sold and slaughtered a couple of months ago.  The kids that were born at the begining of March are fast approching market size.

    The doe kids that were born in January are still with their mothers.  All of the mothers have weaned those doe kids on their own.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    Raising meat goats since 1999

  2. I grew up on a dairy goat farm with little experience with meat goats.

    But I would run them in with the buck if the buck is in your pasture.  If not, see if you can send them there for a week of two.

    Or try weaning that may do it.

    Or, as a last resort ... if you can't get him to you, or them to him, ..... get a rag and get his smell on it ....... maybe that will help them come into heat.

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