
Weaning from bottle?

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I read that you should try to quit feeding babies bottles at 1 year. Now, my child is not overly attached to a bottle, and I give her a sippy cup most of the time. But every morning when she wakes up, and most nights before bed, I'll give her a bottle (5-6 oz.) of milk or I give it to her in a transitional sippy cup (almost like a bottle). This is the ONLY time of the entire day where she will lay/sit nicely on my lap, and cuddle, so I am reluctant to give it up entirely just yet. Is it necessary? She does not carry the bottle/sippy cup around with her, nor does she take it to bed -ever. Your thoughts?




  1. My neice just turned 1 and my sister tried the whole taking the bottle. It works during the day but at nap times and bed time she insists on a bottle and anytime that she sees my son drinking one. So its fine for now if she just takes it once or twice a day. But everyone has their own opinons.

  2. I just got rid of the bottle completely last week, on my daughter's first birthday, and our situation was similar to yours.  She has taken a sippy cup for months, I always gave her one filled with water to have throughout the day since she was five months, so when it came time to do away with the bottle she'd not have a problem.  By 9 months she was having 3 bottles a day, morning, mid afternoon before nap, and one before bedtime. Around 11 months I replaced the morning bottle with a sippy half of whole milk, half with formula, offered the same for every meal, and cut out the mid day bottle altogether.  She did really well with that transition as well.  I also wanted to keep that last bedtime bottle for longer, as it is the only time she will let me hold and cuddle her too :( .  But I knew I'd better get rid of it while it might be easy.  And it was.  I replaced that bottle time with 2-3 stories, a sippy with water (which she really doesnt even want) and her blankie.  She actually does sit there and listen to the stories and lets me hold and cuddle her....afterwards goes to bed with no problem.  So that time is still nice.  Give it a try and good luck!

  3. I would try to stick to using the sippy cup if possible but otherwise I think it is fine. Just wondering is she on formula milk or cows milk?

  4. yes try to get her away from it. You will be glad that you did in the end.

  5. I fyou are going to take the bottle away you need to completely get rid of it the older she gets the harder its going to be to get rid of it. My son just turned 1 also and I threw the bottles in the trash. The only time I would consider bringing the bottle back anytime soon is if he got real sick
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