
Wear and appearance of Army PT Belt?

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When it comes to PT belts, we're a mis-matched "section" (not a team, squad or anything, it's TRADOC - go figure). But I've got one guy who wears his PT belt diagonal across his chest, but we're wearing summer PTs. I always thought diagonal across the chest was for Winter PTs b/c the winter PT jacket covered the belt. I've asked him if anyone else has stopped him but he says no. Of course I can "make" him but I want to be sure that there is a regulation before I go around throwing orders. I've checked AR670-1 and can't find anything on PT uniform and I'm fairly sure FM21-20 doesn't have it either. So is there anywhere else I can check or does anyone know the problem to the issue?

One last question: When doing group PT, does all the PT belts need to be the same type, color, etc? I've got one guy wearing a vest, another with orange and another with white (hence the "mismatch")? Do I need to enforce same colors?





  1. From being in the military is suppose to be the same across the board. That means every one int he PLT, the Squad and the Unit wears the uniform uniformly. So if the whole squag, wears the belt across their eaist, so must he, maybe the belt is more visible and he won;t get hit when runningon the side of the road on post, you may consider that, but for safety reasons, but everyone should be uniformly dressed.

    Again however the unit is wearing it is how he must wear his belt.

  2. Unless you can find it specifiably addressed in the AR 670-1 or the FM 21-20 then the wearing of such an article is left to the local command authority to regulate.  Perhaps you should put forward a recommendation to standardize the wearing of the PT belt to your local chain of command?

    I understand your concern regarding mismatched items of equipment, however many times in the Army we find ourselves having to make do with whatever is available.  The greater issue here is one of safety instead of uniformity, if you are required to mark the four corners of your PT formation then you better have four belts or four vests or any combination that permits you to do so.  (The color of the safety equipment issued has nothing to do with the MOS course you're assigned to; it is merely the luck of the draw!)

    While it is unsightly to have mismatched items of safety equipment, it still accomplishes the safety goal.  Perhaps you can address this issue within your chain of command and see if the supply sergeants can get together with other units if necessary to swap out the mismatched items within the battalion or the brigade so your unit will get matching belts or vests.

    You have the ball, go run with it...

  3. Like stated above, everyone should be the same in formation/group type PT as far as location and color of reflective belt (unless you have blue designated for cadre or whatever). There are multiple brands and types of belts issued to Soldiers long as they are the same color IMO.

    Otherwise, if the guy is on his own time working out...the PT belt diagonally makes the individual more visible and thus safer.

  4. I am in TRADOC and we have to wear a reflective vest.  The color are dictated by what your MOS is.  When in formation what every you decide to wear should be the same and worn the same as others in the formation.  Most posts will dictate what is worn.  

    When I first came in all we wore was an ankle reflector.  I have been to schools wear they require a vest and flashlight when you run. Most place have re established areas that are of limit it to traffic during PT hours.

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