
Wearing a Retainer for life?

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i hear people saying they have to wear it for like a few months and then everynight.

everynight for how long though?

cuz i hear people saying they have to wear it every night for life.


one what occasions do people need to do that?

cuz i don't want to wear it for life




  1. It's true that you need to wear your retainer the most after the braces come off. Because your teeth have been moving, your teeth need time to settle into their new positions. Some orthodontists recommend wearing them 24/7 at first (except eating), some say only wear them at night. For those that are committed to keeping their teeth straight, they could eventually reach a point where they are just checking periodically with them, only wearing them when they start to feel snug, and never allowing the retainer to stop fitting altogether.

    Of course, every case is different, and you may find that one or two teeth simply want to gradually spring back to their old position as soon as the tension is taken off. At that point, one must decide to either commit to a lifetime of wearing the retainer periodically to keep the problem in check, decide to get a bonded "permanent" retainer for the offending teeth, or just let the teeth go and hope they don't go too far astray.

    No matter what, you have to wear them until your wisdom teeth, if any, have been evaluated. If you don't and your wisdom teeth are impacted (under the gum), they could push on your back molars and cause your teeth to crowd.  

  2. Yeah, I have retainers right now. And your friends were right. For the first few months, you wear them all the time except when you eat. Then, after a couple months, you just wear them at night. At first I thought that it would be a big hassle, but then I started wearing them at night and its actually pretty simple. If you miss a day or two here and there it won't matter either.

    Good luck with your retainers :)

  3. retainers are overrated.

    i was told if i didn't wear mine for life my teeth would go back to where i started in the beginning.

    that's a bunch of c**p because i've had my braces off for about two years now.

    i have not worn a retainer regularly and my teeth are still the same from when i got them taken off.

    no worries.

  4. I know how u feel i have them to, u'll get used to talking with it in like 2 or 3 weeks...or at least i  did. But u have to wear them day and night for 3 months the u just have to wear them when u sleep and not for life...i cant picture really old ppl wearing retainers, just wear it till u lose of break it

  5. it depends on how shifty and disobedient your teeth are. i have good teeth so i had to wear my retainer all day for 3 days. then every night for a year. then every three days for 6 months. and once a week for the rest of my life.

  6. Relax, you don't have to wear the retainer for whole life. You just have to wear it for one year or 2 years and gradually stop wearing them. Retainer after ortho treatment is necessary to retain the teeth in their new position. Your dentist can guide you better. In case you still need to cross check, then you can visit They have a facility of free consultation from dentist.

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