
Wearing a football jersey without shoulder pads.?

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Tonight my highschool is having a thing were people come and meet the football players. We do this every year and we wear our jerseys with pants and stuff like that. i always look stupid because im rather small and the jersys look hughe on me. the main thin im looking for is the sleeves because teyre really long on me. How can i roll the sleeves or omthing to make it not look so stupid?




  1. our school does the same thing. just stand by the smallest kid on the team so he can make u look better.

    but it really does depend on the type of jersey some have tight sleeves some have loose so i mean just roll them up if u have to

  2. You can "peg" the sleeve:

    At the end of the sleeve, fold a piece of fabric over to make a triangle, then fold the whole end up to make a cuff. If you fold tthe cuff up 2-3 times, it will hold.

    It's easier if you get someone else to do it.

  3. That depends. If your jersey has cuffs on it put some rubber bands on your arms roll the jersey under so it looks like your cuffs are tighter on your arms.

    If the teams jersey hangs freely you could do that still, but it would be really obvious you were compensating for being small.

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