
Wearing a tie to high school?

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I go to a public high school. Last year I wore corporate casual stuff to school. Slacks, shirt, and dress shoes. I had so many comment that I should wear a tie to complete the look. What do you think, would it be weird in a HS environment. BTW, I wear this type of clothing to get away from the stereotype of African Americans. I will be a senior.




  1. People were no doubt taking the mick out of you, but wear what you like.  Do you just wear this to school or on the weekends too?


    IDK - I'm out, Americans are nutters!

  2. haha i love ties,

    i think their hott.

    but thats my opinion.

    wear w.e makes you feel comfotable.

    and you my hero!

    i'm ot african amrican but i'm against the stereotypes.

    and i defend my friends.

  3. I think it's cool that you  do that. People will have more respect for you in the long run.

    The tie is you're choice. I dont think it would hurt?

  4. Give it a shot. You might catch some grief from the haters, but its a lot better then them with their pants hanging off their asses and t-shirts down to their knees.  

  5. Honey you wear what you want.  it is MUCH better than seeing them wear their darned pants around their ankles.  I always enjoy seeing young men dressed shows they respect themselves and have set high standards for themselves and following the pack isn't the best way to go.  Be an individual.  Wear a tie one day and don't another day.  Do what makes YOU feel better...and to heck with what anyone says.

    God Bless you for being unafraid to be yourself!  You are truly a breath of fresh air and a blessing!  

  6. well if its what you like to wear then wear it, but people are not going to stereotype you if you dont dress in dress shoes, slacks, and a shirt. personally i think its a bit dressy to be just going to high school, but if its what you like then all the power to you.

  7. dont wear a tie. it would look kinda weird since ur in highschool.

  8. I mean i don't think their is anything wrong with dressing up and looking nice or wearing a tie! I mean have your own style. I am also a Senior, i go to a performing arts school which is more free to express how you want to be and is somtimes frowned upon in regular HS. Wear what your comfortable in!

  9. umm not just kinda be ur self but not with a tie !!!!!!

  10. whatever your comfortable wearing?

    why not be a trend setter? if you like it then what the heck?!

  11. I Don't think this is really a question because

    1. You said that everyone complemented you and said that you should wear a tie. And 2. You like wearing it.

    I say go ahead and do it.

  12. 1. Quit dressing like that to get away from the stereotypes.  Dress to please yourself.

    2. Dressing differently makes you stand out, which is where the term "Outstanding" comes from. Being Outstanding is a good thing.

    3. Weird, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, so it will be weird to some.

    4. Be true to yourself, not just another one of the bunch. Fitting in is for those who are mediocre at best.

  13. If that is what you want to do, then go for it, it's about what you feel.

    But also...I had a teacher like that in high school. People talked worse **** about him. You can get away from that stereotype without going through such extremes. It sometimes comes across as self hatred and racism. Before I graduated he had his wallet stolen, money stolen from his desk in general, car keyed, and more . . .

  14. wow! you really get dressed up to go to school... just where whatever you wanna wear.

  15. Ach, you're lucky- at least you got to wear casual stuff! We've got a blazer, shirt, tie, bottoms- our code's very strict. Say, if you get to wear whatever you want then I say go for it! Nothing wrong with a bit of individuality and I don't think it'd be weird. Pretty cool actually- go for it!

  16. Well if you want to then go ahead. I dont think anyone in my hs is wearing a tie though.

  17. Yes, I think that would be great! It will help break the stereotype and also make you feel successful! You can wear a bunch of different cool ties~ I say go for it. Maybe on test days or special occassions you can add a handkerchief in your breast pocket, cuff links and suspenders. There's so much you can add and be creative with! I've never seen an African American outside the corporate world not wearing gangster clothes with the bling stuff, so I think that's amazing you want to dress classy.

    You might make some people who are insecure feel like losers, they'll be the ones if any who will try to intimidate you about it, but don't give in to lower your level of class, let them work on raising themselves, so be strong and be yourself.

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