
Wearing black eyeliner on lower eye lids are Sunnat, how about on the upper eyelids for women is it Sunnat?

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Wearing black eyeliner on lower eye lids are Sunnat, how about on the upper eyelids for women is it Sunnat?




  1. ...eyeliner is sunnat?

  2. Hmm if you can show proof that eye liner on lower eye lids is sunnat, we would all appreciate it :)  

  3. i did not remember exit name but if you are pakistani and under stood urdu then there people are saying it Surmaa this is sunnah

  4. It's not "Eyeliner" it's Kohl.

    "The best of your kohl is ithmid (antimony), for it makes the vision clear and makes the hair  grow" (Sunan Abee Daawood)

  5. Whould you please visit a mental hospital

  6. no idea

  7. during the era the prophet was around, the arabs typically wore "kohl" in their eyes. today we call it eyeliner, but it is something different. their version was made of pigment that was beneficial to their health. the eyeliner we have today is made of chemicals, not healthy natural substances, and it does not benefit us except in our appearance.

    i dont think there was an official religious reccomendation to wear it.

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