
Wearing clothing, controlling fire & speech distinguish humans from animals.The development of sweat glands...

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0 LIKES UnLike well as a hyoid bone which opens and closes the larynx (voicebox), is credited with allowing humans to make the transition from panting (Which is how most animals cool themselves off), to having the ability for articulate speech.

I recently read that Mongoloid peoples (East Asian/Orientals) do not have sweat glands. Is this true?




  1. Are you a lobbyist for those celebrity designers who are accused of running overseas sweatshops?

  2. I think it is the ability to imagine what is over the other side of hill, rather than being forced to go there distiguishes us.

  3. Actually what distinguish human from animals is the ability to construct symbols, which is the first step to construct culture, as I see... so, it doesnt' really matter if asians don't distinguish sweet tastes ( which is pretty suspicious), but what tastes (any) means to them.

  4. No.  Different peoples sweat differently, and have different density of sweat glands and body hair, based on genetics.  Mongoloids have fewer of both, in general but fewer doesn't mean none.  Also, some animals do sweat.  Dogs have sweat glands in their paws.  Animals also use speech, just not what humans recognize as a /parallel/ language to anything humans use.

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