
Wearing extensions to school?

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i bought clip in extensions and i think they look good, but i dont know if i should wear them when i go back to school. i mean everyone at my school who knows me knows my hair isnt long. so they are probably gonna know its fake, but should i wear them anyways i cant decide. and is it gonna be too much of a pain clipping them in every morning cuz i have to take them out so i can straighten my hair so i dont burn them. also i got color contacts too and i plan on wearing those also. but now im afraid ppl are gonna think im being to fake, and i know i shouldnt care what ppl think, but im just wondering...




  1. if they tell you its fake tell them yea soo? and so on till they dont have anything to say but if you wanna try something else umm tell them so what my hair looks so much better...even better then the hair of someone im seeing

    jaja just think of something like before they tell u that tell them i just looove my new x-tensions thank god i knew they were gonna be big this fall..... and some things like that

  2. you shoud totally wear them! i have PERMANENT ones and alot of ppl know and think it's totally cool so just be youself and dont care what others think

  3. I think you should wear them anyway. Who cares about them? It's not their head so they shouldn't worry about it and if they do they need to seriously get lives. Wear them whenever you want!! I do it all the time and people seem to like it and don't see anything wrong with it.  

  4. who cares if they think its fake?

    and if u think is a pain to too keep taking them on or off then

    don't wear them. if u don't want to straighten yur hair then just curl them or how evr yur hair is when its not staright

    also color contacts

    i have brown eyes and i got green people asked but after a whi;e they get used to itt

    good luckkk xD

  5. I have extensions...i know how you feel about the whole going back to school thing but just look at it this way its your first day back so just think of it as you changed during the holiday like a summer nose job haha!

    but what i try and do every year is change myself every summer for going back to school even if it is just the simplest things like hair extensions or a differant style

    another thing i do is serioulsy not care about anything!

    or what people think and as soon as you do that people give dont say anything not like they would anyway

    and dont worry about them thinking its fake if you wear them right they will look fine and just tell people your waiting for ur natural hair to grow!

    and wear the contacts for something differant aswell :)

    plus people will get used to you with them within about a week

    ooh and as for putting your hair extensions in every morning it gets easier and you learn just how to do it really quick..a bit like make up

    just go for it! and remember if you have the confidence you can pull off anything! thats what i say to myself all the time!

    act confident and you will look it!

    plus you will probably get loads of compliments about your hair and eyes so it will make you feel better about yourself!


  6. omg you remind yourself of me i got extentions to and green contscts!! LOL IMA WEAR MINE TOO SCHOOL THELL JUST THINK IT GREW OVE SUMMER LOL good luck:)

  7. I'm wearing mine!


    If they ask, I'll just tell them they're fake.

    It's the only "fake" thing I wear.


    I'm in highschool, no one bothers me..soo.. xD

    Don't worry about it.

    If they start something, just giggle along.

    They'll get over it, alot of girls wear extensions.

  8. omgosh no way.

    totally wear them!

    i wore them when i used to be in junior high and no one sad a thing except mine were for a different reason.

  9. You should do it, i had the same problem kinda. I didnt know if i wanted to cut my hair and i also didint know if i wanted to wear my color contacts but i did it and it isnt as bad as you think it would be. It actually might turn out alright, jus take risk or you will never find out. HOPE I HELP:)

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