
Wearing the Thin Golf Shirts?

by Guest34328  |  earlier

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When wearing the thin golf shirts, do you wear it just like that, or do you were a white undershirt underneath? Thanks.




  1. Just by itself.  If you are talking about the dryfit, then that's the way to do it.  When it's really hoht and youre sweating, it soaks up the sweat and keeps you cooler.  Only problem is that you smell pretty bad afterwards b/c of the sweat sitting there.  Yummy, I know.

  2. Just that shirt.  It keeps you cool.  The shirt removes the perspiration from your body.  If you wear a shirt underneath it, that shirt will be super sweaty when you take it off.  

  3. If it is not cold then just that shirt, if it starts to get cold put a jumper on so no one can make fun of you.

  4. just by itself. nothing under it

  5. I suppose it would depend on the temperature....Normally no I would not

  6. The thin shirt is to keep you cool. An undershirt would counteract that. Keep your nips hidden and enjoy.

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