
Wearing white, ran over, blood, a little girl and rabbits?

by  |  earlier

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i was dressed in white and walking towards my family after work, then a car out of nowhere, hit me, repeatedly, while my family could only stand watching, in shock. the driver was male (i think i know this person). in the dream, it didnt hurt all, but i did remember feeling terribly shocked.

my blood was splurting everywhere, the contrast of fresh, bright, red blood and the whiteness of my white dress was so blinding, that i had to squint, close my eyes and later, my dream brought me to another setting, i woke up in a green dewy field, with rabbits (like hundreds of them) hopping all over the field and all around me.

In a daze, i got up and found a was a little girl hugging one of the rabbits, just standing looking me (her face was not clear and i dont think i know this girl).

Any takes one this?

Please, only serious answers.





  1. Loosing blood means ; you would loose lots of your energy ; but you will recover fast and its like a whole new life is starting for you ; plus you would be   a[ mother or a father ] { I am not sure which s*x you are ] and the little girl you saw could be easily your future daughter

  2. I think that this dream symbolized many things. Your white dress most likely represents your purity and innocence, but when you were run over, the blood represents things that have ruined or hurt you/your purity. Your family stood watching because the person in the car must be someone who hurts you, but your family either doesnt know or doesnt stop from hurting you. Then, the dewy field must have been somewhere close to heaven or just a happy place for you and a little girl that may have reminded you or yourself before you were hurt or decieved (innocent and happy). I hope I helped you out!!!


  3. When you got ran over wearing a white dress, this means that you might be standing out too much in other peoples opinion. In this case you might attract too many people that will hate you and want to hurt you. When you were with the rabbits and the girl was hugging one while staring at you, this means that some one the leads a peaceful life wants to help you and share her peace with you. Since it was a little girl, this person that wants to help is younger than you.

    Hope this helps.

  4. could be or mean anything really. could be a dream about reincarnation and something you were meant to do this time around. could be that you were dreaming of death and reincarnation so that you can be more on the spiritual side on a daily basis. could be that the little girls soul has been reincarnated now and is looking for you and wants you to give birth to her. could be anything on a reincarnation level.

    subconscious: could be intuition to beware of unforeseen dangers in your near future. the message could be that there is so much to live for and so much you have yet to experience in this life and there is something dangerous that is coming your way such as a brush with death. could be that you are fearful of marriage. you died on your wedding day right? you werent just killed you were horrible mangled by a car and then sent to a place of purity and peace right? your idea of heaven or the after life maybe? could be anything

    the problem with dreams is that it can be hard to come across the meanings sometimes. Really though, you shouldn't ask others to interpret your dreams for you. everyone dreams. but there are only certain people who retain them in memory. usually you only retain a dream when it is important to you in some way or has some underlying meaning. it is up to you to KNOW what the meaning of the dream is and it is up to you to interpret the dreams and the symbolism. if you think the bunnies represent peace, then that is what they mean to you and is what they meant in the dream. your mind is what is producing the dreams for you. they are created by the unconscious and used as a tool for you to keep things in mind that you have been unable to see or put together consciously.

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