
Weather Channel founder blames Al Gore?

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Environmentalist have pushed up the cost of gas. What to you think?




  1. I think the weather Channel founder is just looking for some one to blame.

    all i can guess is this: Blowing smog into the air can't be good for the earth.

    Al gore is not stupid.. I am sure he knows that raising the cost of gas and utilities will hurt the economy.  After all he was the vice president of the President who did somewhat balance the budget and had the country running smoothly.

    My Suspicion would go to the man and his administration who practically destroyed the middle class.

  2. could be true, Al Gore is LAME & full of c**p


    The reason why the weather is so strange is that it is BEING MANIPULULATED BY HUMAN INTERVENTION. It is a conspiracy against humanity for the cause of One World Order.

  4. While John Coleman is something of an entertainer (he's actually our local TV weatherman), he actually has only a minor in meteorology and no training that I know of in climate science.      The climate scientists of the IPCC know WAY more about climate than he does. And even though the Weather Channel is now worth hundreds of millions of dollars, Coleman managed to lose money on it when he sold off his share.

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