
Weather Manipulation: Who is engineering Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico?

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I know storms are engineered. Look up cloud seeding or look at this on the Library of Congress website:

I know about need-to-know and compartmented identification systems:

I know about cartels here and abroad, etc.

I know that it is American crews operating the planes which are amplifying and guiding the storm(s).

I even know that Russia disapproves of this manipulation and sent a plane to the hurricane zone (Hurricane Gustov) to communicate that message, which was summarily ignored.

What I don't know is who is in charge, at the top of this operation.

If you have COSMIC Clearance and surf the web, lets get this ball rolling.




  1. Dr, No did it, but James Bond is closing in on him as we speak.

  2. I suspect that the only answer that you would even begin to consider is that it is obviously Art Bell.

  3. The robot communazis of Equatorial Guinea.

    Oh, you laugh. But they're real, and they're dangerous.

  4. If you even had a clue about the size, energy, and complexity of a hurricane, then you wouldn't even bother to ask such a silly question.

    Perhaps you were in a hurricane as a small child and something hit you in the head.

  5. Dude, you've been out in the sun too long or fried your brain on the X-Box.  Just because some idiot put something on the web doesn't mean it's the truth.  If hurricanes could be engineered, then why are there deserts in the world and how the h**l could Al Gore sell us on the global warming bs?  He was vice president, don't you think he had access to classified information?  I know he's a shyster selling a load of bs but geez dude, don't you think he could get access to the COSMIC clearance?   By the way, can I borrow that tin foil hat you wear all the time?

  6. That would be GOD, not DOD.

    If anybody here had the required security clearances to access all this very secure information, they would not share it on YA.

  7. It has to be Bush.  He dont like black people.  I know this because I listen to all the political experts in the entertainment industry.

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