
Weather channel, How can I get local weather on 8's and not countrywide forecast?.

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I used to get the Local Weather in my area on the 8'son the weather channel. Now I get a preview of the entire country Instead. I'm just wondering if I could at least get the Elgin, Il. area again like I use to.




  1. Did you change your cable?  I used to not be able to get local on the 8s with Direct tv.  It kept showing the whole country.  I switched to Cox and now I get local on the 8s and my area only.  It might just be the kind of cable you have.  If you really want it that bad, try asking you friends in your area if they have a different cable and if they have what you want.  

  2. You probably have satellite, which is technically unable to provide local conditions because the whole nation gets the same feed. As far as I'm aware, almost all cable systems should provide local weather conditions on TWC.

  3. I dunno, but you could always go to and just type in your zip code.


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