
Weather conditions in CHICAGO??? 10 pts!??

by  |  earlier

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what is the temperature, wind, forecast, etc like in chicago in august usually????




  1. Hot, no rain, no wind.  Just hot.  Really hot.  80s, 90s.

  2. well i didnt like chicago much when i was down there it was kinda lame. its usually in the middle 60's and low 70's always windy and it is full of ghetto and stuff i dont like it  

  3. According to the National Climatic Data Center the average high for August is 81.2F with an average low of 62.2F.  The all time record max temp in August was 101F and record low is 41F.

    August looks to be the wetest month of the year with and average of 4.62" of rain, and around 10 days of the month having at least a trace of rain.  The all time record of 17.10" was set in 1987.

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