
Weather for Toronto Canada in June?

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im going to Toronto around June 15 and im wondering what to pack. will it be cold or warm? does anyone know any sites for inexpensive airline tickets? nonstop from SFO. ive seen some around $500-$600? thanks!




  1. Toronto? On June 14 or a few days before check the weather for there on

  2. its supposed to be quite warm and hot

  3. sorry not sure what you mean by SFO.

    I've lived an hour outside of Toronto though for the last 20 years so I can help you there. Toronto around June 15th, you'll want to pack a sweater for evening and maybe an extra one for the dead of night, just in case. Usually the weather is really great but this year southern Ontario has had some really messed up weather so for all I know it could be raining martians by the rate things are going.

    During the day you'll be safe walking in shorts and a T-Shirt, too early for muscle shirts, if your a girl same thing too early usually for shorts and a tank top but again who knows.

    Some great things to do in Toronto is see the markets, Kensington market in China Town, It's great, love it. Queen and Spadina is great. For shopping. Eating there's tons of awesome food from every country imaginable. The TTC is great (the transit system) never have an issue with it.

    For smokers Toronto doesn't let you smoke in restaurants but nobody cares about outside. And if you do smoke and someone wants to bum one off of you they usually will ask you the weirdest question:

    "Can I borrow a smoke?". When I was smoking I would always say "Sure thing, but I want it back after". I mean the first question is just as ridicoulous as my reply, at least in my book.

  4. in June it is the end of spring.  It rains in april, may brings flowers, and June is sunny with light rain, temps around 25celcius - very comfortable, and yes bring just one sweater or  a wind-breaker jacket for nights.  July and august has heavy rains.  

    If you go to and go to the left hand bar menu and click 'statistics' it will show you the average max and min temps for each month.  

    unlike SFO which you might see a lot of grey skys and moist climate year round, you find toronto has a lot of blue and sunny skies, being inland.


  5. It will be hot and humid for sure

  6. It will most likely be hot.  Like many cities, because of all the concrete and buildings and asphalt TO will be hotter than the surrounding area, and will most likely also be humid by then.  Smog may or may not be a problem at that time of year.  The evenings will be cooler - comfortable actually, but you may need a light jacket.  I find the weather in TO mostly pleasant at that time of year.  The real heat of the summer has not quite set in, but mainly light clothes and maybe one pair of long pants just in case.

    Sometimes the best deals in airline tickets come from the airline's own website, so check around.   By going on the Air Canada website I just found a return ticket leaving SFO on June 15, returning on June 24 for about $280, so you have to keep checking for a few days and play around with the dates if you can be flexible with them.  Try the websites of other airlines as well.  Best of luck and have a great trip.

  7. Hot and Humid and where are you coming from?

  8. its pretty hot.


    and type in toronto to see , im not sure how in advance they show. i check everymorning, so im not sure.

    and when i say pretty hot, i mean if this snow ever melts.

    its almost april -and the weather still calls for snow storms :|

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