
Weather in Charleston, South Carolina?

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What is the weather typically like in September? Historically what has it been like?




  1. September weather in South Carolina is eclectic.

    Normally, it is nice/cool in the mornig, muggy and humid during the day, cooling off in the evenings and overnight hours. It can get a bit rainy, but as we are in a drought, about all we get is late afternoon pop-up thunderstorms and they are infrequent. Of course, September is Hurricane season (and we are due) so you'll want to pay attention to the tropic updates.

    We like WCBD...(local channel) and our favorite weather man is Rob Fowler. He goes out of his way to answer any e-mails that get directed to him. Plus, he has been here since before 1989 and was the lead meterologist when Hurricane Hugo hit. He's knowledgeable and willing to help. You can actually google him or get him on myspace.

    Hope this helped.

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