
Weather in Sydney?

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Whats the weather like in Sydney in August, thats when im moving there. I was in Sydney in March and weather was nice.




  1. it should be fairly warm. If you are cold just get a snuggle from your gf, heard shes pretty hot so sure she will keep you warm!! :)

  2. Hi Jon

    Sydney will be significantly colder in August than it was in March. Although what you consider as cold depends on where you come from. It won't be cold enough to snow as that rarely happens and then only in very small amounts.

    It may also be windy as August can be a very windy month, and it has been known to rain in August.

    However the best thing about August is that it is followed by September which can be one of the most beautiful months, both visually and climatically. December, January and February can be quite warm, but as you probably already know Sydney has the most magnificent beaches and some really great beach suburbs.

  3. August is hot. In August they actually have to sound "Do not barbecue" alarms because of the heat. This is a good time to skip the barbecue grill, and go to a nice pub that has a lunch special. Sydney has the best lunch specials (quality of food for the price) in Australia.

  4. Since Sydney is a bit further south compared to cities, for example, up in Queensland, the weather will be cooler but will be considered milder than the weather in Melbourne and such.

    It will be the last month of Winter, with temperatures starting to increase again but will still be cold. The average August temperatures are:

    MIN: 8.9

    MAX: 17.7
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