
Weather in switzerland in june?pl zadvise..?

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planning to go to swizz in mid question is about the weather at that time?is it going to be too cold and that i have to wear a jacket all the time?i live in boston and iam tired of the winter and wearing heavy i asked.thx.




  1. I have been to Switzerland in June and it is very nice weather.  There was the occasional rainstorm but usually it dries up.  But if you go up in the mountains you may need one or may not.  I went up to the Jungfrau and it was really cold in the ice sculpture room but outside is pleasant.  It is relatively warm weather but do plan to bring a jacket or raincoat.

  2. Though the highest peaks of the Alps receive a high snowfall the year-round (it's rare July-September, however), yet Switzerland has a cool and cozy climate throughout the year. The best seasons looking to the weather conditions are Spring, summer and autumn. June and July are the months when the alpine wildflowers are usually at their peak, but summer is the season for the overwhelming tourist traffic visiting Switzerland. The meteorologists suggest the tourists to visit in May unless and until skiing is an important part of their itinerary. The tourists are advised to take a sweater, a light raincoat and folding umbrella while going on a Switzerland Tour.


    Switzerland definitely experiences seasons -- winter can bring a fair amount of snow while summer can be sunny and sultry but the weather is rarely extreme.  Temperaures in summer can climb to the 30s°C (90s°F) or even mid 30s°C (mid 90s°F). The Italian region, which includes popular destinations like Locarno, Lugano, and Bellinzona, can be more mediterranean (as evidenced by the palm trees and colorful birds that you'll see).  The French region is a bit more temperate while the areas in the north tend to be about 10 degrees Fahrenheit cooler in general.  Early summer (June) or fall is probably the best time to experience Switzerland, as the weather is comfortable and there aren’t as many tourists as there are during the summer (or the winter in the ski regions). September can be quite rainy, but October offers sunny weather with temperatures on their 20s°C (70s°F), which is perfect for hiking in the Alps even in high altitude.

    Depending on when and where you go, the weather in Switzerland can vary greatly due to drastic altitude differences.  High in the Swiss mountains, the weather tends to be much cooler than expected so bring a warm jacket, extra layers, and pants even in the summer if you plan on visiting any of the major mountains.  Some areas, like Les Diablerets and Zermatt, are cold enough that they are open for skiing even in the summer (though skiing Zermatt is certainly not recommended for newbies).

  3. All depend where do you want to go?  You can mountain hike all in the same day...

    So basically the closest to the alps the colder...but the most beautiful...

    A nice jogging suit is usually the best for when it gets chilly

  4. same kind of weather as Boston.  No joke !

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