
WeatherKing Acclaim II. We changed from propane to natural gas, changed the jets and the system

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We changed from propane to natural gas, changed the jets and the system short cycles and doesn't blow hot air

I have an Acclaim WeatherKing gas furnace, and sometimes it "purges", "jets up", "blower kicks in" and runs fine. Then sometimes is "purges", "jets kick in", "jets kick out", "blower starts up", "jets kick in again", and sometimes repeats this, or it just finally runs fine. Sometimes it does this 5 times then won't run, so I have to remove the cover door to reset it. There is one sensor IN the path of the left gas jet, and one that hangs above it, while the electronic ignitor is over beside the right gas jet. What are the two sensors above and beside the left gas jet, and does it seem one of those is the likely issue? It's -17 this morning and I can't have a house with no heat. Thanks.


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