
Web cams and my face?

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looks so crooked on web cam but it doesn't in videos using the camcorder or digital cameras? Just looks hidiously ugly on web cam and ive been told im really pretty. Like i have to take 60+ pictures to get one good pic using a webcam but can get alot of good pics with using a digital camera without flash. flash also ruins my face. Why is this?

and when i look in the mirror i feel pretty, but when i look at other people through the mirror they look like what they look like in real so confused so do i look like what i look in the mirror, digital camera or web cam?




  1. Cameras and webcams make things in 2D.

    It flattens things.

    When you are looking at yourself in the mirror, it is 3D. It is an exact replica of real life. Things are not flat like they are in pictures.

    A lot of people look super ugly in pictures. That's why.

    You look like you do in the mirror, not the camera.

    There are some people who are photogenic. Who always look good in pictures. This may be because of their facial features and body features that capture and hold light/shadows once the picture is snapped.

    You can try to experiment with different lighting when you're taking pictures. If you have a good enough camera, that is. Through a camera, different lighting can make a huge difference in the photo's outcome.

  2. I have the same prob

    Just a guess - seems like your webcam isnt that great quality wise. Pictures can sometimes come out distorted.. how you look in pictures depends alot on the lighting - how it's hitting your face, for example if the light is aimed straight down on your head and hits your nose, it will turn out looking bigger than it really is. I actually like the effect of flash, but I always make sure i'm in the dark before taking pics with it on. Personally I think I look alot better in the mirror than I do in pics..

    I think  (and hope) the mirror is more accurate  

  3. webcam quality isn't as good


  4. ach! very sly of you!

    i didnt mean to be a jerk or anything sorry :D

  5. I was wondering this recently. I believe that we look most like what we see in the mirror to other people, that is also if your mirror isn't all warped and makes the reflection different than what you really look like. A camera captures a moment and it isn't moving, people look a lot better when they're moving. I noticed I was looking at my cousin in the mirror's reflection the other day and realized that she looked totally different in her pictures than in real life. Then I looked at the differences between looking right at her and at her reflection and guess what? There were none, besides the fact that it's backwards.

  6. the exact same thing happens to me!

    i know how annoying it is...

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