
Web design and development course?

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To all programming experts out there...I have a questions for you??

I would like to become a web developer.

Can you tell me what I should learn to attain my objective??

I know i should learn - xhtml, php, mysql, css, flash, actionscript...are there any thing that I should learn??? for instance are there any programming language such as Java which are in high demand now???




  1. The best answer to this question is Learn By Doing.

    There are no easy "courses" which will create a short-cut, and most of them are to expensive. Being certificated is of little value in practice, those courses in programming that do exist is not really worth taking.

    And (x)'html is not a programming language, its a Markup language.

    What may be in high demand now might not be tomorrow, the important part here is not to limit yourself to a single language, it would be better to learn all of which you mentioned, because the competition is very high for free-lance web designers.

    The Markup languages are the easy part, this would include (x)'html, xml, rss. It is recommended to learn html and css combined, as if they where one.

    PHP is also fairly easy to learn, along with MySQL. Actionscript and flash is not that important, as long as you know how to create pre-loaders, intros, and basic animations. It would also be recommended that you learn JavaScript/Ajax as well.

    It might seam like a lot at first, but once you know your way around one language, you quickly pick up the next. Its important to note that no developer is likely to have memorized all functions and syntax rules, however we do memorize the things we use the most. For everything else we use references like - - - (to name a few). But Google is often the ultimate tool when searching for a solution to a specific problem, the last thing we do is quite often to ask a question on a forum.

    The best way to learn is to start doing, and by that i mean create something useful, and keep working on it until you decide its enough.

    You wont learn much from the random "hallo world" examples, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to make, and then start investigating how to do it.

    A lot of developers may have their own ideas of what is, or is going to get in high demand, but this information is of little value to beginners in practice. Experianced developers might benefit from this information, but someone who just finished a course, or is about to begin one is very unlikely to gain anything from the information.

    Once you know the purpose of each language, it will be easier to plan what to do next, i would refer you to one of my past answers, which may be of some use explaining this:;...

  2. Try the Adobe CS3 products

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