
Web design ...??????

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend is training to be a web designer and has got stuck on the following question ....

"Which dialog box in Dreamweaver is used to add, modify, and delete web sites? "

Any help would be appreciated, thanks




  1. easy 'Manage Sites' in the files tab

  2. I've found this blog which links to a site which links to a huge webdesign tutorial website.

  3. The answer is the "manage site" dialog box. This can be found in the "Site" menu under the top menu bar.

  4. 'Site management' perhaps?

  5. Yeah wish I could help im hoping to go into web design too. Sadly im not outa highschool yet and have no classes to take on it so I havnt had the luxury of working with dreamweaver iv been teaching myself through using freewebs without their templates and c**p.

  6. If you are training to be a web designer using Dreamweaver, you are in the wrong school!

    Dreamweaver is an IDE for amateurs capable of giving you the basic of HTML, but also giving you very bad development practices...

    Actually, it takes you LONGER to learn DW and try to by-pass its failures than to learn how to code properly.

    Start using notepad! (Or Notepad++)
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