
Web page design ... what major would that fall under?

by  |  earlier

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I want to learn html, css, javascript, flash, etc.

And become a self-employed webpage designer.

What major(s) would include the classes I need to reach my goal?




  1. you don't need college for any of that, look at online schools or community college programs, or better yet buy some books and teach yourself, but college is useless for you

    companies perfer work experience over a 4 year degree, i.e. google hires "hackers" that taught themselves, not frat guys who have a degree in computer science

  2. i actually taught myself and made a really good living with it.

    i just played with programs till i got it and read as much as i could on it. friends would give opinions and i donated a lot of designs to get my name out there.

    i have had some friends go to school for design and they still don't make money with it because school doesn't really teach you how to get clients. most of my clients were all over the world who i found on chat sites like aol and yahoo believe it or not.

    also your business cards are extremely important. its your 5 sec interview that will land the job or not.

    the only training i received was desktop publishing which really taught me about layout and color choices.

  3. graphic design and computer science. go to college.   many companies like to see that you have a degree and you are dedicated enough to spend 4 years of your life studying a specific subject

  4. It could be under many different names.

    Graphic Design

    Digital Media and Information Resource Design

    Web Design and More.

    Many places if you want a 2 year degree will list it as a Web Design at a 4 year university it most likely is Graphic Design (because you will learn Web Design in most Graphic Design programs)

    Columbia College of Chicago

    ^ This is their listing of the Web Design Minor

    each college is different. Google schools and see. Look at your colleges you want to go or even some Art colleges like Columbia College of Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago, Savannah College of Art and Design, etc. Also it never hurts to get a book and just start learning in your free time even while you take classes.

    Learning Flash, pick up a book on Actionscripting.

    Learning HTML or XHTML, pick up a book on Java, etc.

    Happy hunting and I hope you get what you are looking for :)

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