
Web site to post husbance progress on cancer treatment?

by  |  earlier

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my husband was just diagnosed with lymphoma. we get tons of phone calls from concerned people, but it gets very stress-full telling every person what is going on over and over again ( i understand that these people care, but my husband can't handle it). i heard there was a web site i can set up for him where people can read how he's doing so (as horrible as this may sound) the phone calls won't be such a nuisance. does anyone know how to set this up or what i'm talking about? where do i go to get started?




  1. this isn't a medical question darling. i think you'll find more help over at the computer problems / technical issues section of yahoo answers.

  2. Use Just set up an account and it will guide you through the process of how to get others connected to the link, you can add pictures, blog his progress.

  3. You can set up either a Care Page or a Caringbridge Journal. They are really easy to maintain . . and than you can keep everyone informed . . be prepared though for people to follow the story. Your husband should enjoy all the guest book comments. Both sites are provided at no cost to you.


    Care Pages

    Sorry about your husband. We had many of the same issues with people calling or dropping in . . and than ending up comforting them. The daily online journal really will help with that.


    That is one of the sites, there are several others though.  Google phrases like care sites or care pages.

    My family simply created a mailing list and just used that.  My husband gathered everyone's email addresses and would send one email out to everyone once a day or so.

    You could also create a blog where people can just come and read the comments, same as any other blog.  There are several blog sites, including myspace and face book.

    Ask the nurses if they recommend a particular site.

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