
Webkinz Vacation problem?

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on webkinz it doesn't let my neice get on to her vacation hotel room she is trying to show me any ideas as to how to fix the problem it basically just doesn't let her into the coral cove place. Also she wants to know how to do the rock the boat game how do you win stuff, webkinz experts!




  1. yah i no webkinzs is full of gliches and unable to go into certain rooms. the coral cove isnt even cool. all it is a room. theres no games in it, just chairs and a table. and some food. the whole vacation thing is borning theres nothing to do

    good luck.

    if it still doesnt work in like a day contact webkinz

  2. I haven't been able to get in the coral cove either.  The club house hasn't been working either for me. It might be related.

    On the rock the boat game you just click the "Rock the Boat" button and you may win something, like kinzcash, or the webkinz happiness may drop to zero.

    I also found this, it might help some.

  3. It won't let me go into the coral cove thing right now, either.

    To play the rock the boat thing, you just click on the sign. I won some sort of chocolate things, and I guess there's a possibility the ghost shows up instead.

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