
Webkinz many?

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how many webkinz does your daughter have? my soon to be 10 yr old daughter has 29




  1. one of my daughters has 13,one of my daughters has seven and one of my daughters has 8 and my other daughter has 0. i think you can never have to many if they are in budget. it is avery educational game

  2. well i have 20 and my grandmother has 70! no kidding!

  3. lol yea my sis is 9 and she has 27 i think

    she is so obbssessed with joke! lol

    and everytime a new one comes out she is always wanting it

  4. My daughter received 1 for her 7th birthday.  She already has a whole bunch of Beanie Babies and other assorted stuffed animals.  She doesn't need anymore WebKinz - she doesn't really play with the one she has (or the 1 Shining Star) anyway.

  5. just 1. But she loves it!

  6. i have none but i am getting one or two with my b-day money :)

  7. I have a 9 yr old daughter who has 3 of them, and a 5 yr old who has 1. My 9 yr old son has 4. If my kids could, they would buy many, many more with birthday money, etc. But I put the brakes on that.

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