
Webkinz recipe help???

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so does anybody have some Webkinz UNSOLVED recipes that I could use? I tried some Websites such as Webkinz Island, and Ebulin, but they dont have unsolved recieps. Could someone please give me a list (and where and how you make them) now? Thanks in advance~~!





  1. wHaT Do U mEaN bY UnSoLvEd??

    LiKe iT DoEsN't GiVe dA 3 iNgReDiEnTs...

    oR LiKe wHaT??

    BuT iF u R LooKiNG FoR wEbKiNz ReCiPeS...

    iS A GooD SiTe

    HoW u MaKe tHeM...

    cLiCk oN dA aPPLiAnCe u R uSiNg

    [sToVe; bLeNdEr; SaNdWiCh MaKeR{u HaV 2 BuY ThEsE @ tHe w-sHoP}]

    tHeN pUt iN dA 3 iNgReDiEnTs ThEn pReSS CooK...

    aT wEbKiNz iNSiDeR iT WiLL sAy wHaT KiNd oF ReCiPiE iT iS...

    sToVe ReCiPiE [uSe tHe sToVe]

    bLeNdEr ReCiPiE [uSe tHe bLeNdEr]

    sAnDWiCh ReCiPiE [uSe tHe sAnDWiCh mAkEr]

    HaVe FuN!!!

    HoPE i HeLpEd!!


    U  c@RLy :]

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