
Webkinz trading room?

by  |  earlier

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I have been trying to get into the webkinz trading room all day and last night. Even at 1am, ALL the trading rooms were still full!! Has anybody been in the trading room yet? I have so many rare items I want to trade.. But I can never get in!

There is 20 of them right now, all the other room themes have 75. I hope they inscrease the number, last night there was only 5.

Has anybody been in the Webkinz trading room yet? Its soo frustrating that I can never get in it!




  1. I have been trying for the last day and a half to get in, no luck yet. :'[


  2. IT came back!! on saturday!!!  (5-24-08)


  3. i have been in it 6 times i just keep pushing find me a room
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