
Webshow Ideas??

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Me & My Friend are making a webshow... Alot of Teens Like Us Have Webshows, so we want to stand out!! We want really good ideas, but we dont want to look like we are copying iCarly. We need GOOD names (Our Names are Tamara & Jacy if you can work with that) and a few cute segment ideas. We are going for the show to be random yet sophisicated. I hope you can come p with something awsome!!





  1. skin a cat that works lol only joking. im doind a webshow i only have some ideas but im not sharing them :P

    -poo head

  2. I need some ideas of what to do becasue so far my friends mom didnt want her to do it so now im stuck doing it by myself which sucks!!!!! So i really need some help!!!!!!!

  3. Jamstara!!! That would be an awesome name for your webshow :) Good luck i want to make a webshow too with my friend our names our Katie and Lucy :) what could our show be called? :)
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