
Website design service / providing hosting for client..?

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I just started a basic website service for people not wanting to spend hundreds to get online. I am just charging for my time and labour and ideally want the client to give me their credit card so I can set them up with a direct debit subscription with godaddy so their site auto-renews every year. I guess the only other option would be to charge them for four years hosting using my bank account. How do website designers get around this problem?




  1. The answer is reseller hosting.

    Your clients should know that they have to pay hosting fees each month to keep their website running and on the internet. If I were you I would get a reseller hosting account for as low as 24.99 per month, create a small website with a pay pal subscribe button for hosting, Have your clients visit you site and subscribe for hosting through you. charge them 5 bucks a month. You only need 5 per month to pay for its self.

    Best of luck.

  2. I would just host the site on a free host or tell the client that they need to setup a free godaddy account and add a paypal address on there to pay for the domain.

    You could get a deposit up front and use that to purchase the domain and host and then just change the details on the account.

  3. Another option is for you to purchase a "reseller" hosting account. This way you can host multiple domains under your own account, and then charge your clients whatever you want. This way everything is "under one roof" so to speak, and you have total control.

    If you purchase their "domain", then design and complete their website, you can always "change ownership" of the domain over to them - and you won't need their credit card info. Once the name is changed, they can go into the account and enter their own credit card info.


  4. Godaddy and 1an1 are good places for registering domain names, not for web hosting . I am using hostmonster webhosting for mine

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