
Website of my own?

by  |  earlier

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i have a website and noone comes on i need to figure out how to get the word out is there some kind of website that i could put it on or something like that plz help me i want ppl to come on and subscribe.




  1. What are you trying to accomplish with you site?

    Subscribe to what?

    If you want marketing tips here's a link:

    All the tips work pretty well, but I think you need to define your site first.

    Good luck.

  2. Creating you own Web-Site is a lot easier than you think. In just one week you can learn how to create an amazing Web-Site of your own.

    I am in business for myself, and have tried to get some one to teach me how to create my own Web-Sites for some time now. It seems like no one wants to tell you how, for fear you will some how take their business away.

    In the past, I’ve paid thousands of dollars for Websites I can now create myself. I found a programmer that teaches you how to create your own amazing Web-Sites.

    Hope this helps:

  3. Join the young entrepreneurs lounge at It's FREE and you can have great conversations with fellow entrepreneurs! I'm sure they can answer your question better there. Good luck!

  4. well im going to check it out, but word of mouth, posters, message boards

    good luck

  5. Shamrock,

    The best way to generate FREE traffic to your site is by using web 2.0, VIDEOS!!!  Register with all the video sharing sites and make a simple webcam video describing what your site is about, post them, and watch the traffic come for free!  I have more valuable methods of creating a "realistic" income online.  I would love to answer any and all questions you have via my CONTACT link at the bottom of my page.

  6. My name is Chuck and I've been involved with Multi-Level Marketing for 10 years. I've tried many different techniques to develop my home business, but now I use The SpiderWeb Marketing System developed by Kimball Roundy, because it actually works.

    The SpiderWeb Marketing System is the most efficient way to generate leads for your business. This system utilizes well-taught Internet marketing strategies to grow my network more effectively than any other system. There are many different programs that make similar claims, but because of its funded-proposal system, The SpiderWeb Marketing System continually perpetuates both its revenue generation and its lead generation.

    The SpiderWeb Marketing System is also unique for another very important reason. Its totally FREE. Similar systems will charge as much as $1500 for the information that The SpiderWeb Marketing System teaches totally free.  After learning and applying the The SpiderWeb Marketing System strategies, it will grow your network quickly and effectively, creating new leads that actually want to come to you.

    To learn to Spin your own World Wide Web, email me or visit the link's below.
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