
Website on how to get and maintain good credit??

by  |  earlier

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I just started using credit so I want to know all the dos and donts like I had no idea that it looks bad to get and cancel credit cards even though theyre at $0. Is there a website or book where I can learn about all that??




  1. me thank yu R yung & just starting out:

    1. get a jenral book bout "personal finans"...bout munee, spend, debt, invest, ets.

    If nuthang els, get a dumees book.

    2. In tudae's werld, it seem yu almost gotta hav kredit.

    If yu want it, 1 kredit kard is plentee.  2 kards is danjerus & mae send yu spiraling deep in debt.

  2. Fix up your credit report and fast

    1. Order your credit reports from the 3 bureaus

    If you're ordering for the first time, get your score (for a fee) from Equifax as their scoring matters most.

    2. Make copies of your report and put the originals in a binder. On the photocopied reports use a highlighter and check for any incorrect, outdate, false,

    3. Download a dispute letter(s) from the credit bureaus website and list anything that is wrong. Mail them to their office(s). They have 30 days to reply.

    4. If they will not remove something that is not yours or too old (> 7 years) as them for a debt validation. This may take an additional 30 days.

    5. Once the 'baddies' come off, take care not to let any of your other accounts fall into that predicament.

    6. If you haven't already make sure your existing accounts are current and paid on time ALWAYS.

    7. Get a secured credit card with or for like $500-1000 or more if you can and use it sparingly. Charge like $50 on the card each month and pay it in FULL and on TIME. Make sure you do this for a minimum of 6 months so that you estabish a positive repayment history.

    8. Problem with just letting them (collections) 'fall off' is that they may never. You may get sued before that...that's where you suddenly get a summons to appear in court and a judgment for collection against you.

    For collection them but get a 'pay for delete' from the collection agency in WRITING...they'll delete it after you pay and it will help your credit score.

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